#pstn Testing the new blog/hootcourse link

It’s day 2 for the new blog and the new immersion in ICT.

Once upon a time I was brilliant at IT, now I’m not so sure.

I am wondering if anyone can help though by making some suggestions for related texts (different text type though) to go with:



Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

I’m quite liking the idea of belonging to a PLN – thank University of Awesome! #pstn


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2 responses to “#pstn Testing the new blog/hootcourse link

  1. Wasn’t Boy in the Striped Pyjamas the movie from World War 2, very sad but what a message it was.
    I feel same way, cant get egg of a picture,but I am ok on iphone. Wasting a little time this morning, but will follow this up tonight. But I believe you are still brilliant at ICT, its just it used to be IT – and – we are communicating (C) see!

    • I loved the movie. I think I found the ending of the book more powerful though. Although the movie ended with a sense of finality with the closing of the doors, the book gave a sense of emptiness – life continued but was permanently changed.

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